Don’t exercise just for your body, exercise for your brain too. Why do we feel so good when we exercise? According to John Ratey, MD, “The real reason we feel so good when we get our blood pumping is that it makes the brain function at its best, and …
Do you feel like your battery is out of charge? Try these five steps to charge it back up.
Be honest. Does your heart start to race a bit when your cell phone charge gets in the red zone, or the low battery warning comes on? Mine does. We are so dependent on that little device to keep us connected that we may feel ourselves panicking a …
Client Scenario: “I need to take better care of myself.”
Clients come to coaching for any number of reasons, but this time of year, I see a renewed interest in self-care. For that reason, I’m going to give a high-level synopsis of a recent coaching appointment where the client wanted to facilitate better self-care behavior. Stated Goal: “I need …
What’s the connection between ADHD & Exercise?
Most of us are aware that exercise is critical to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but is more important for some than others? “When you exercise, your brain releases chemicals called neurotransmitters, including dopamine, which help with attention and clear thinking. People with ADHD often have less dopamine than usual …
Bucket Management
“I need to change everything.” This is the answer I get most often from my clients when asked what they’d like to focus on first in our coaching or organizing partnership. But, change takes focus and we can’t focus on everything at the same time, right? One of …
Energy Management vs Time Management
“I just don’t have time to . . . . . “ Go ahead, fill in the blank. Ever said that? I’ll be you have. I know I have. But is it time we don’t have or energy? If we managed our energy better, would our time management …
Are you ready to “Fall Back?”
The leaves are falling. The days are getting shorter. The nights are getting colder. Those are all sure signs that winter is approaching. And with that, comes the “fall back” change of time. I don’t know about you, but I appreciate “falling back” much more than “springing forward.” …
What does “self improvement” mean to you?
September is “National Self Improvement” month. Although most of us are constantly striving to improve ourselves, sometimes we just need a gentle nudge or reminder to help move us forward to living the life we want to live. Here are some areas my clients frequently mention when they …
Start your day right!
This video resurfaced on my Facebook feed this week. The topic of the video is 10 life lessons from basic SEAL training, delivered by Admiral William H. McRaven. What I loved about this video is life lesson #1 . . . . start your day off by making …
5 Tips to Survive the Time Change
With snow on the ground today in Western Washington (although my crocus and tulips are poking through it) and over 18″ of snow over the last few days on the other side of the Cascades, “Spring” seems pretty far away. Nonetheless, this Sunday morning we “spring forward.” I …
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