Don’t exercise just for your body, exercise for your brain too. Why do we feel so good when we exercise? According to John Ratey, MD, “The real reason we feel so good when we get our blood pumping is that it makes the brain function at its best, and …
Shunning critics is hard. How to become a stronger “man in the arena.”
Brene Brown introduced many of us to the “Man in the Arena” speech during her talk on critics and her book “Daring Greatly.” Once I read and internalized the message, it has been a part of how I look at myself and my critics. But, more importantly, how I share …
What do you want your personal brand to say about you?
I am passionate about learning. This passion generally leads me to immerse myself in ADHD, brain-related, and business-related education. (I also read fiction, but for a totally different reason.) Podcasts are an easy way for me to consume information. It’s easy to queue up a podcast and listen in …