On a scale of 1-10, how present do people think you are?

Cindy JobsUncategorized

I talk to my mom nearly every evening. Since we talk so frequently, there’s not much new stuff going on in either our lives that requires a ton of concentration to communicate around. So I find myself doing other things during our conversations. Not long ago, she mentioned …

Family. Peace. Self-worth.

Cindy JobsUncategorized

Have you ever sat in the decision-making space and wondered how to know the right decision to make?  Knowing your Needs and Values may very well help you with those tough decisions. Let me tell you a personal story: Years ago, while the majority of my work was in the …

You are part of the problem

Cindy JobsUncategorized

Have you ever sat in stand-still traffic grousing about everyone in front of you as the source of the traffic problem? If so, what do you think the person behind you is doing?  That puts some perspective on it, doesn’t it? I heard a quote the other day: …

Using your learning style to choose your planner

Cindy JobsUncategorized

Yikes!  Where did 2019 go?  If you haven’t already done so, it’s time to get your 2020 planner in play. If you have a favorite planner, cool.  If you struggle with deciding on the right planner for you, here are some thoughts. Decision #1:  Learning style Choosing the …

Do you want a Griswold or Martha Stewart holiday?

Cindy JobsHealth and Well-Being

Thanksgiving is tomorrow, followed by Black Friday, and on it’s heels, Cyber Monday. It’s enough to create stress for just about anyone. So much to do, so little time, so many expectations! It’s a tricky time of year when many people compare their lives to Rockwell paintings, Martha …

How to get the best out of challenging relationships.

Cindy JobsHealth and Well-Being

The holidays present ample opportunities for us to get together with friends and family that we adore.  And ample opportunity to be thrust into social situations with people that may cause us a bit of stress. Being around people that push our buttons, so to speak, can be …

How to manage transitions. Three successful client experiences.

Cindy JobsHealth and Well-Being

Transitions can be hard. Whether the transition involves moving toward or away from something we want to be doing, toward or away from something we don’t want to be doing, or just moving from one task to another, transitions can stand in our way of productivity. Here are three successful transition experiences …

Is anger a sign of motivation?

Cindy JobsHealth and Well-Being

It’s not uncommon for some of my clients to exhibit strong emotions during our coaching sessions.  Actually, I encourage it. Why?  If there’s no emotion, it may be a sign that we don’t care.  If we don’t care, it’s hard to make progress. Years ago, in my coach …

Can we just eliminate “just?”

Cindy JobsHealth and Well-Being

I recently started listening for the number of times the word “just” comes up in conversation. Generally, it’s nothing big, but more little things where the word “just” either demeans, diminishes, or disqualifies whatever follows. For example: “I’ve just been a mom and housewife, who would want to hire me?” …

ADHD & Time Management: Where did it go?

Cindy JobsHealth and Well-Being

Here are some comments (or variations thereof) I hear very frequently from my clients : “I wish I was better at turning my projects in on time.  I have so much on my plate. I’m continually disappointing my boss.” (Prioritization) “I am always late meeting my friends and …