In the intricate tapestry of life, our brains are wired to anticipate the future. From the mundane daily choices to the major life decisions we embark upon, our ability to predict outcomes is a fundamental aspect of human cognition. However, nestled within this process lies the concept of …
The Planning Fallacy: How to Avoid Underestimating and Plan More Accurately
We’ve all experienced it at some point: the planning fallacy. This cognitive bias leads us to underestimate the time and effort required to complete tasks or achieve goals. From underestimating travel times to preparing dinner and transitioning between activities, the planning fallacy can wreak havoc on our schedules …
Feeling like your life is chaotic? The Queen of Distraction will help you through it.
Disorganization is a challenge many individuals with ADHD face. As a matter of fact, my first introduction to ADHD was through a client I assisted as a Professional Organizer. The strategies she needed were far different than other clients I’d worked with. Her beautiful brain operated just a …
Thank you PAAC team. I couldn’t have done it without you!
My mission is to empower individuals with ADHD to live life to their full potential. To become the best at my trade, I continually connect with intensive education and training platforms to sharpen my ADHD coaching skills. In 2021, I completed the certification program through the Professional Association …
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Is it the breakthrough solution for battling ADHD habits?
NOTE: I am a certified ADHD Coach, not a therapist. Because I am not a therapist, I can not practice Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT); however, multiple therapists familiar with my work acknowledge that I use CBT-like strategies with my clients. ——————————————————————————————————————– Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Adult ADHD (CBTAA) (Solanto) was written to …
Having a planner is just the start. Here are seven steps to using it most effectively.
NOTE: Although this blog is about calendars and planners, I highly encourage everyone to have a large wall calendar within sight of where they spend their time. Whether it’s the kitchen or the office (and sometimes the kitchen IS the office), a well-placed wall calendar offers a different visual perspective on the passage …
Does your calendar/planner use your learning style strength?
NOTE: Although this blog is about calendars and planners, I highly encourage everyone to have a large wall calendar within sight of where they spend their time. Whether it’s the kitchen or the office (and sometimes the kitchen IS the office), a well-placed wall calendar offers a different visual perspective on the passage …
Why you should use your learning style to choose your planner.
I’ve heard from a lot of you that 2020 can’t be gone soon enough. Well, 2021 is almost here, and if you haven’t already done so, it’s time to get your 2021 planner in play. If you have a favorite planner, cool. If you struggle with deciding on …
Using your learning style to choose your planner
Yikes! Where did 2019 go? If you haven’t already done so, it’s time to get your 2020 planner in play. If you have a favorite planner, cool. If you struggle with deciding on the right planner for you, here are some thoughts. Decision #1: Learning style Choosing the …
What kind of planner are you?
Where did 2018 go?! The realization hit me that 2019 is right around the corner when clients wanted to start booking into January . . . yikes! Fortunately, I’d purchased my 2019 planner and was up and running, but the realization of how quickly we will be in …