It’s hard for me to believe, but the first quarter of the year is already in the books and taxes are due next week. Hopefully, you are one of the lucky, non-procrastinators that filed their tax return long ago and have done something fun with the refund the …
Conquer Negative Self Talk
“I’ve never been able to do that, why even try?” “I’ll never get that job, why apply?” “I can’t do anything right.” “No one wants to spend time with me.” “I’m never going to be as fun (pretty, smart, successful, etc.) as my friends are.” Every thought we …
ADHD: You Are Not Who You Think You Are
“You mean I’m not lazy, stupid or crazy?”* You are also NOT: Unmotivated. Unwilling to apply yourself or try hard enough. Uninterested. Unconcerned about others. Unable to focus. Your ADHD symptoms. Who your parents/teachers/friends/relatives may have told you you are. You DO have a non-neurotypical brain that reacts …
Time Blindness
Today. Tomorrow. Next week. Next month. Now. Never. Time Blindness: The lack of awareness of the passing of time. Although I work primarily with clients that struggle with ADHD, almost everyone has struggled with time blindness at some point. In this 7:38 video about ADHD and time blindness, …
Are you working with boulders or pebbles?
Things can be so dog-gone overwhelming sometimes, can’t they? I worked with a couple clients last week that were paralyzed by their “to do” lists. The lists were so long and the projects were so daunting that the default action was inaction. They were trying to work with …
Taxes stressing you out?
“Yikes! I’m not even close to getting my taxes done and so stressed out about it!” Not surprisingly, this time of year creates a lot of stress and anxiety for people . . . . especially for those that may have some procrastination, organization and motivation challenges. Generally …
National Procrastination Week: March 5-11, 2017
(I was going to publish this next week as a joke about procrastination, but decided against it. Probably wouldn’t be as funny as I think it is right now.) I like to think of myself as a pretty efficient, on-top-of it kind of gal . . . but …
The Real Costs of Procrastination: Installment #2
Procrastination is a tricky thing. Frankly, I procrastinated writing this post for 6 days. When I was working on The Real Costs of Procrastination: Installment #1 I thought “I’ll just dive right into Installment #2.” Did I? No. Why? Because I had a whole week to do it. …
The Real Costs of Procrastination: Installment #1
Most of us do it every day. Procrastinate. We tell ourselves “I’ll get to that later” and most of the time we do. But what happens if we don’t? What if we procrastinate too long? What are the costs? We try to convince ourselves that there’s little-to-no cost …
Why Do We Procrastinate?
Raise your hand if you’ve ever procrastinated starting a project, sending an e-mail, or cleaning a closet? I know my hand went in the air for all three of those things and I consider myself a pretty efficient and on-top-of-it-all kind of gal. At times we all succumb …