
Tax Time: How To Get and Stay Ready

Cindy JobsOrganization

Generally speaking, filing taxes is not at the top of the list of “fun things to do today.”  Taxes are frustrating, confusing, and sometimes moderately depressing.  Therefore, we tend to procrastinate when it comes to filing them.  According to TurboTax, there are five general reasons we procrastinate when …


2015 “Top 10” Business Goals

Cindy JobsOrganization, Uncategorized

As business owners, we need to constantly be looking forward and figure out what we want our businesses to accomplish in the upcoming weeks, months or years.  In addition to constant re-evaluation, most businesses choose one time per year to do long-range planning.  Every business has a different …

The Real Costs of Procrastination: Installment #2

Cindy JobsUncategorized

Procrastination is a tricky thing.  Frankly, I procrastinated writing this post for 6 days.  When I was working on The Real Costs of Procrastination: Installment #1 I thought “I’ll just dive right into Installment #2.”  Did I?  No.  Why?  Because I had a whole week to do it.  …