Are you doing more harm than good by enabling?

Cindy JobsUncategorized

Enabling is taking the easy route.  By age five, kids should tie their own shoes, but teaching them is hard. Why is that? How do you teach something you’ve done thousands of times that is such an essential life skill?  Tying shoes requires dexterity and skill that may …

five second rule

How to effectively use the five-second rule to win!

Cindy JobsUncategorized

  I‘m pretty sure we’ve all used the five-second rule as it pertains to cookies falling on the kitchen floor. I know I have. But that’s not the five-second rule I’m talking about.  I’m talking about the five-second rule, Mel Robbins style. Here’s the premise: First: “The moment you have …

I really don’t like New Year’s Resolutions!

Cindy JobsUncategorized

  Frankly, I’m not a fan of New Year’s “resolutions.” The thought of taking one day to analyze my life and see what I’ve been doing right or wrong and change it seems strange. Don’t we do that constantly? I frequently study what’s working, what makes me feel …

Why you should use your learning style to choose your planner.

Cindy JobsUncategorized

I’ve heard from a lot of you that 2020 can’t be gone soon enough. Well, 2021 is almost here, and if you haven’t already done so, it’s time to get your 2021 planner in play.  If you have a favorite planner, cool. If you struggle with deciding on …

What can you do to significantly retrain your brain?

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Uncategorized

I’ve read three fiction books over the last two months.  Some people may think this is because of all the extra time I have due to COVID 19. Nope, it’s because I recently learned that reading fiction is a fun and easy way to develop neuroplasty. What is …

Exercise: Powerful for your brain and your body

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Uncategorized

Don’t exercise just for your body, exercise for your brain too. Why do we feel so good when we exercise? According to John Ratey, MD, “The real reason we feel so good when we get our blood pumping is that it makes the brain function at its best, and …

ADHD: Finding the best job for your brain

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Uncategorized

ADHD brains can bring a lot to the workplace table. They can also be a challenge if not working in the correct environment. Clients often come to coaching to either find the correct occupation or find the tools and structure to make their current job work for their …

“Good to see you! Have you gained some weight?”

Cindy JobsUncategorized

One of the hallmark traits of ADHD is impulsivity, manifested in actions that individuals desperately wish could be taken back. Impulsivity is the brain’s inability to engage in self-inhibiting functions before acting. We act before we think. What causes this? In an ADHD brain, there is a tenuous …

Although difficult, direct communication can save relationships.

Cindy JobsUncategorized

A client came to a session wanting to process a challenging upcoming conversation. One of their employees had, once again, failed to meet a deadline. They were furious and wanted to prepare for an ultimatum-based discussion they needed to have. When these scenarios come up, I frequently reference …

In what way backsliding can actually help you get ahead?

Cindy JobsUncategorized

Backslide: “to go back to doing something bad when you have been doing something good.” I hear this frequently from my clients: “I’m really good for a while, then I stop and revert to my old ways. Why should I even bother trying again?” I get it. It …