I think there’s a little procrastinator in all of us. I knew that procrastination wasn’t only about “not wanting to do the thing when I was supposed to do it.” Procrastination, Why You Do It, and What to Do About it NOW offered many different perspectives. The main thing that …
Do you spend time with a procrastinator? Here are some coping strategies.
I’ve yet to meet anyone that doesn’t admit to procrastinating now and again. For some people, procrastination pays off, and things adequately work themselves out. For others, procrastination can be highly consequential. Either way, I know that spending time with individuals who routinely procrastinate can be very stressful on …
“I didn’t exercise because…” Are you using reasons or excuses?
When we don’t do something we intended to do, there is generally a “reason” or an “excuse.” What’s the difference? Which one do you use most frequently? Which one is standing in the way of you achieving your goals? Reason: a basis or cause, as for some belief, action, …
Fallen off your holiday intentions already? How to get back on the horse.
I love boundaries. The theme of boundaries winds through many of my coaching encounters, especially during the holiday season. Over the last few days, I’ve heard variations of the following: “It’s been less than two weeks . . . . . and I’m already off-budget.” and I’m already …
How to effectively use the five-second rule to win!
I‘m pretty sure we’ve all used the five-second rule as it pertains to cookies falling on the kitchen floor. I know I have. But that’s not the five-second rule I’m talking about. I’m talking about the five-second rule, Mel Robbins style. Here’s the premise: First: “The moment you have …
I really don’t like New Year’s Resolutions!
Frankly, I’m not a fan of New Year’s “resolutions.” The thought of taking one day to analyze my life and see what I’ve been doing right or wrong and change it seems strange. Don’t we do that constantly? I frequently study what’s working, what makes me feel …
Are you stuck on your “get organized” resolution?
Historically, “get organized” is in the top ten New Year’s Resolutions. I’m not a big believer in resolutions, but I’m a big believer in goals. And I think getting organized is a fantastic goal. As you might imagine, I get a lot of calls this time of year. …