Why did the chicken cross the road?

Cindy JobsHealth and Well-Being, Organization, Uncategorized

So, why did the chicken cross the road?  So the story goes it was to get to the other side. But what was on the other side?   What was the reward?  What was the motivation?  Why bother?  There is a lot of risk crossing the road. What could possibly …

Family Communication

Cindy JobsHealth and Well-Being, Organization, Uncategorized

Communication (from Latin commūnicāre, meaning “to share”[1]) is the act of conveying intended meanings from one entity or group to another through the use of mutually understood signs and semiotic rules. Wikipedia The word that sticks out the most in this definition to me is “intended.” I had …


Focus Words and Vision Boards

Cindy JobsHealth and Well-Being, Organization, Uncategorized

Like many of you, I’ve embraced focus words and vision boards to keep me anchored to my goals, desires, beliefs, and motivations for the upcoming year.  (For the record, I’m not a firm believer in New Years Resolutions.  But I am a firm believer in goal setting, planning …

The holidays are winding down. Now what?

Cindy JobsOrganization, Uncategorized

Traditionally I put the Christmas decorations away on New Years Eve, but I’m feeling the itch to get it done a little earlier this year. I’m not sure if it has something to do with how early Thanksgiving was this year (the weekend I generally decorate), so I …

Head Brain. Heart Brain. Gut Brain. What?

Cindy JobsHealth and Well-Being, Organization, Uncategorized

“Let me think through that.”  Mental processing referred to as the head brain. “Follow your heart.” Intuition referred to as the heart brain. “My gut told me no.” Instinct referred to as the gut brain. Did you know your body contained three “brains?” If so, which brain should …

Are you a good gift giver?

Cindy JobsHealth and Well-Being, Organization, Uncategorized

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are behind us, but for many, there may still be a lot left to do around gift giving this holiday season. Over the next few weeks we will make several little, and big, decisions about who to buy for, how much to spend, …

Motivation and Acceptance

Cindy JobsHealth and Well-Being, Organization, Uncategorized

I’m usually pretty good with motivation, but I have to be honest, I’m struggling today. Yesterday was a tough day. I received some news I didn’t want to hear and now have some hard decisions to make. Consequently, I needed some motivation so I went looking. Here are …


Conquer Negative Self Talk

Cindy JobsHealth and Well-Being, Organization, Uncategorized

“I’ve never been able to do that, why even try?” “I’ll never get that job, why apply?” “I can’t do anything right.” “No one wants to spend time with me.” “I’m never going to be as fun (pretty, smart, successful, etc.) as my friends are.” Every thought we …

ADHD: You Are Not Who You Think You Are

Cindy JobsHealth and Well-Being, Organization, Uncategorized

“You mean I’m not lazy, stupid or crazy?”* You are also NOT: Unmotivated. Unwilling to apply yourself or try hard enough. Uninterested. Unconcerned about others. Unable to focus. Your ADHD symptoms. Who your parents/teachers/friends/relatives may have told you you are. You DO have a non-neurotypical brain that reacts …

15-Minute Organizing Projects

Cindy JobsHealth and Well-Being, Organization, Uncategorized

Organizing doesn’t have to be incredibly time-consuming or daunting. Here are a few quick projects that can get you motivated. Create A Calendar Find a calendar that fits your needs and style: wall calendar, day planner, custom spreadsheet, etc. Fill in non-negotiable obligations. Create an area to document …