Like many of you, I’ve embraced focus words and vision boards to keep me anchored to my goals, desires, beliefs, and motivations for the upcoming year. (For the record, I’m not a firm believer in New Years Resolutions. But I am a firm believer in goal setting, planning and execution.)
Honestly, until a friend CONVINCED me that focusing on words and creating a physical reminder (vision board) of how I envisioned my life to be would be powerful, I thought she was crazy.
Well, a few years down the road, I’m a believer.
Focus words:
Here’s how I settle on my focus words:
- They must resonate with me on an emotional level.
- Able to connect to them in my daily life.
- Provide focus in different environments.
- Assist in setting intentions.
- Be the core of my decision-making process.
This year I couldn’t settle on one focus word, so I have five:
Joy: People that know me well would tell you I have a pretty positive attitude, but “Joy” may not pop into their heads. This year I will be seeking Joy every day. Seeing the wonder of what’s around me. Laughing more. Focusing on all the positives in my life.
Create: Create time for myself and for making meaningful connections. Create one piece of “art” every month. Create an opportunity to grow.
Learn: I’m a life-long-learner. I love to read books and listen to podcasts that will expand my brain and help create a more meaningful life for myself and those I serve.
Presence: I know a lot of my friends and colleagues can relate to this one. What presence means to me is as simple as being more aware. Make eye contact when communicating with people. Live in the moment, not those moments behind or in front of me. Put down my device and connect in a human way.
Gratitude: I have so much to be grateful for. I live in a warm house, drive a safe car, have food on my table, am surrounded by loving friends and family . . . the list goes on and on. This year I want to concentrate on the positive.
In 2018 my word of the year was “Persistence.” I had some mighty goals for last year (certifications, conferences, new website, new business offerings), all of which required a great deal of persistence to get through. It was a word well used!
In 2017 my word of the year was “Calm.” Although my husband will question how effective it really was (at least to him, on an external level), I found great value in the focus word. In moments of stress and pressure, I found great benefit in closing my eyes, taking a deep breath and thinking about just being “calm.” It truly did provide an anchor for my daily life.
Vision Boards:
I won’t be specific, but when I represented my vision in picture and word form, things really started to fall into place. My family is my first priority so a picture of my family took the most prominent position and my social and business priorities fell in line behind the family. Well, I’ve had some incredible times with my family this year, my experiences with friends were off-the-charts amazing, and each of my business goals happened. Powerful stuff.
If you are looking for thoughts on how to create a vision board, check out check out Jack Canfield’s blogpost on how to create an empowering vision board.
If focus words and vision resonate with you, great. If not, what will help you connect, clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on your life goals?
Cindy Jobs, COC, ACC
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Attention Deficit Disorder Association
National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals, Seattle Chapter Vice-President
International Coach Federation
Institute for Challenging Disorganization
Level I Certificates earned in Chronic Disorganization; ADD; Client Administration; Time Management; Mental Health; and Hoarding.
Level II Specialist Certificates earned in Chronic Disorganization and ADHD