Does this scenario sound familiar? You make a mistake. It may be small or large, but it really doesn’t matter. You, figuratively, beat yourself up. You hear yourself saying, “You idiot! You are never going to amount to anything!” Head’s up, your inner Prosecuting Attorney has arrived. A Prosecuting …
Do you procrastinate? The reasons and solutions may surprise you.
I think there’s a little procrastinator in all of us. I knew that procrastination wasn’t only about “not wanting to do the thing when I was supposed to do it.” Procrastination, Why You Do It, and What to Do About it NOW offered many different perspectives. The main thing that …
Do you spend time with a procrastinator? Here are some coping strategies.
I’ve yet to meet anyone that doesn’t admit to procrastinating now and again. For some people, procrastination pays off, and things adequately work themselves out. For others, procrastination can be highly consequential. Either way, I know that spending time with individuals who routinely procrastinate can be very stressful on …
“I didn’t exercise because…” Are you using reasons or excuses?
When we don’t do something we intended to do, there is generally a “reason” or an “excuse.” What’s the difference? Which one do you use most frequently? Which one is standing in the way of you achieving your goals? Reason: a basis or cause, as for some belief, action, …