Looking for more efficiency? Start with small changes to daily habits.

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Health and Well-Being, Organization, Productivity

One of my favorite James Clear quotes: “If you can get 1% better each day for one year, you’ll end up 37 times better by the time you’re done.” Change is hard. It is even more challenging if we are trying to make significant changes quickly.  But, much …

Having a planner is just the start. Here are seven steps to using it most effectively.

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Health and Well-Being, Organization

NOTE:  Although this blog is about portable calendars and planners, I highly encourage everyone to have a large wall calendar within sight of where they spend their time. Whether it’s the kitchen or the office (or both), a well-placed wall calendar offers a different visual perspective on the passage of time. ______________________________________________________________________ …

Choosing a planner can be daunting. Do you know which one is best for your brain?

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Health and Well-Being, Organization

NOTE:  Although this blog is about portable calendars and planners, I highly encourage everyone to have a large wall calendar within sight of where they spend their time. Whether it’s the kitchen or the office, a well-placed wall calendar offers a different visual perspective on the passage of time. ——————————————————————————————————————– Where …

How I disconnected from work and reconnected with my loved ones.

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Health and Well-Being, Organization

I love what I do. Connecting with clients brings me incredible joy and satisfaction, so it’s hard for me to step away.  But I did, and I’m so grateful for the experience. I recently returned from a two-week trip to South Africa.  It was an amazing adventure, learning …

Are you underestimating the power of sleep rituals? Don’t.

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Health and Well-Being, Organization

In our fast-paced, technology-driven world, the importance of a good night’s sleep often takes a backseat to the demands of daily life. However, the key to unlocking a restful and rejuvenating sleep lies in the often-overlooked realm of sleep rituals. These intentional practices can create a serene bedtime …

Yes, you have ADHD. But are you letting ADHD define who you are?

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Health and Well-Being, Organization

Fortunately, by now, most people are believers that ADHD exists. Finally! ADHD is not a myth or an excuse. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects both adults (6.8%, Forbes) and children (9.8%,  ADDitudemag.com). Individuals with ADHD are NOT: Unwilling to apply themselves or try hard enough. Unconcerned about others. Unable …

Looking for some great ADHD hacks? Check out my top 10.

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Health and Well-Being, Organization

I first heard the phrase “ADHD is life on hard mode” from Brendan Mahan at ADHD Essentials.  Having supported individuals with ADHD for a very long time, I hear a variation of this phrase often. Although life is harder for an ADHD brain living in a non-ADHD brain …


I read a lot of books about ADHD. Check out my top 10 here.

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Health and Well-Being, Productivity

Everyone’s ADHD manifests differently. Understanding ADHD as a whole is essential, as are different perspectives on how to best manage ADHD traits that may get in the way. Here are my current Top 10 ADHD books (in no particular order) and a short review of each: ADHD 2.0, Hallowell …

Want some great ADHD resources? Check these out.

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Health and Well-Being, Productivity

Navigating the sea of ADHD information can be daunting. Here are some tried-and-true ADHD resources for you to check out. Websites: Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD): The go-to place for support and resources for those affected by ADHD. Rena-Fi: RenaFi provides an academic, research-based practical, financial …

Want to simplify life? Start with “If – Then” statements.

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Health and Well-Being, Productivity

Finding ways to simplify daily decision-making processes can be a game-changer in our fast-paced and often chaotic lives. One effective strategy to streamline your choices and increase productivity is by using if-then statements. These simple conditional statements can help you set clear goals, prioritize tasks, and make more …