What’s the personal harm of comparing ourselves to others?

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Health and Well-Being, Organization, Productivity

“Never compare your insides to everyone else’s outsides.” ― Anne Lamott  Have you ever caught yourself thinking . . . “I want to be like Susie; she’s so organized.” “I want to be like Kathy; she has great hair.” “I want to be like Janet; she is an …

Looking for more efficiency? Start with small changes to daily habits.

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Health and Well-Being, Organization, Productivity

One of my favorite James Clear quotes: “If you can get 1% better each day for one year, you’ll end up 37 times better by the time you’re done.” Change is hard. It is even more challenging if we are trying to make significant changes quickly.  But, much …


Have you tried task batching? It may be your key to higher productivity.

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Health and Well-Being, Organization, Productivity

You’ve probably heard of switch-tasking and task batching in terms of productivity. Switch-tasking (or what some refer to as “multitasking”) and task batching are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Switch-tasking is switching rapidly between two tasks or actions. Unfortunately, switch-tasking is costly; “shifting between tasks can cost as much as 40 …

Want to accomplish more? Define your five buckets of procrastination.

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Health and Well-Being, Organization, Productivity

“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”  — Abraham Lincoln Even Abraham Lincoln knew a thing or two about procrastination. At its core, procrastination is short-term mood relief. Procrastination is not a time management challenge; it’s a mood management challenge. At broad brush, procrastination enters the …

Do you actually need a paperclip shaped like a dog?

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Health and Well-Being, Organization, Productivity

I have a few problem-solving challenges that I’m working on. First, creating a problem where there isn’t one (exhausting for me). Second, trying to solve other people’s problems when they’ve yet to ask for my help (super annoying for them). Third, creating a more complex solution than it …

Having a planner is just the start. Here are seven steps to using it most effectively.

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Health and Well-Being, Organization

NOTE:  Although this blog is about calendars and planners, I highly encourage everyone to have a large wall calendar within sight of where they spend their time. Whether it’s the kitchen or the office, a well-placed wall calendar offers a different visual perspective on the passage of time. ———————————————————————————————————– Almost everyone …

“It happens every time!” Until it doesn’t. Prediction Error is at play.

Cindy JobsUncategorized

Our brains are constantly constructing anticipated outcomes based on thousands and thousands of past experiences. Every time we have an experience, the brain revisits former experiences, layers on data from the new experience, and creates a more substantial model for future experiences. But what happens when the data …