The top five reasons we procrastinate and what to do about them.

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Health and Well-Being, Productivity

What do all these quotes have in common? They are all linked to procrastination. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” (Lau Tzu). “There is no greater impediment to the advancement of knowledge than the ambiguity of words.” (Thomas Reid)  “Our lack of focus is our primary …

Want to show you are listening? Make eye contact and lean in.

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Health and Well-Being, Productivity

I had the best impromptu conversation with one of my nephews the other day. Although he has a busy schedule, our calendars aligned for a short period of time, and we had the best conversation. What struck me was that, although I surmised he had other things that …

How to convince your boss to let you nap on the job.

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Health and Well-Being, Productivity

I’ve never embraced napping, but research shows that I may want to practice the art of an afternoon nap to feel better and get more done. Finding time to recharge and rejuvenate can be challenging in our fast-paced, sleep-deprived world. However, a straightforward solution has been gaining recognition …

The Power of Gamifying Tasks We Don’t Want to Do: Boosting Productivity with Fun

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Productivity

Have you ever found yourself procrastinating on specific tasks you don’t enjoy? Whether it’s housework, making cold calls, or completing mundane chores, we all have responsibilities we’d rather avoid. What if I told you there’s a way to make these tasks more enjoyable and increase your productivity simultaneously? …

What you need to know about oxytocin and the 20-second hug.

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Productivity

In a world where human connections are becoming increasingly digital and superficial, the power of oxytocin (often called the “love hormone”) is more crucial than ever. Released in our brains during various social interactions, oxytocin plays a vital role in building trust, fostering connections, and lowering stress and …

Shifting Perspectives: The Power of Embracing Instead of Merely Accepting

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Productivity

In life, we often find ourselves faced with situations that we need to either accept or embrace. Acceptance implies a passive acknowledgment of a circumstance while embracing involves actively engaging with it, finding opportunities within challenges, and making the most of every situation. Whether it’s a business trip, …

Is your powerful ADHD brain as complicated as a Rubiks Cube?

Cindy JobsUncategorized

43 quintillion. That’s how many variables there can be in a Rubik’s Cube. Why is this relevant? Let’s start from the top. ADHD is primarily categorized into three different types: Inattentive Hyperactive Combined When I educate clients (or potential clients) about their ADHD brains, I frequently use the Brown Model …