Looking for a productivity boost? Set your environment up for success.

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Health and Well-Being, Organization

The phrase “environment wins every time” comes up frequently in my coaching appointments.  Although we’d like to believe that willpower is enough for us to make progress on our goals, it may not be enough.  Here are phrases I hear regularly: “I only want to spend 15 minutes …

Auto-pilot or traffic assistance? How do you get where you want to go?

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Health and Well-Being

I’m the first to admit that I’m geographically challenged. Put me in a strange, or even familiar, city and challenge me to get from here to there and I may not have a clue whether to go East or West.  My husband, on the other hand, inherently knows …

We say we want to change, but do we? Maybe we have an Immunity to Change.

Cindy JobsADHD In The Workplace, Health and Well-Being

Change is hard. Change requires us to think differently. Change requires vulnerability. Change requires taking action. Change involves risk. Here is one of my favorite quotes from the book Immunity to Change: “Today, organizations need not only an unprecedently higher level of knowledge and skill among all those who …


“If only . . .” = Change

Cindy JobsOrganization, Uncategorized

“He says he doesn’t care about being fashionable, if only he dressed more like Michael.” “She is really good at her job, if only she wanted to stay home with the kids like my mom did.” “I know life will be perfect if only I could only lose …