I’m hearing a lot of stress-related comments from my clients right now. “I need six more gifts and have no idea when I can shop.” “I don’t have my caramels made yet.” “I still don’t have my cards in the mail.” “I have three more parties to go …
5 Tips To Be “Company Ready”
Many of us will welcome guests into our homes this time of year. I find it joyous to open our home to guests, but it does require a little preparation. Here are five quick suggestions: Ask about food preferences or allergies: I like to pre-purchase whatever food items …
Party anyone?
July is “National Family Reunion Month.” (Who knew there was such a thing?!) Our family just held one of our largest family reunions ever! With over 60 people, ages 2 to 86, in attendance, pulling this event off took a ton of planning and patience. Here are some …