
Still looking for that perfect gift?

Cindy JobsUncategorized

Happy HolidaysIt’s the first week of December.  Major gift-giving days are right around the corner.  Are you feeling the stress of finding the perfect gift?  I know I am.

Every year I go through the “who do I need to buy for?,” “what does Aunt Mildred want?,” “what’s meaningful, but still easy to ship?,” . . . the list goes on and on.  Although there is magic in finding the perfect gift for someone, often-times finding the perfect gift is incredibly stressful.

I’m in people’s homes and offices every week, and quite often I find remnants of the “not so perfect gift.”  Sometimes they just sit in a drawer, sometimes they take up valuable space that could be used for something my clients truly enjoy, or they get relegated to the “re-gift” closet.  No matter where it ends up, it’s generally not in a place of honor or respect.  My clients generally can’t get themselves to give it away “because it was a gift.”  But think about it, would the gift-giver want you to burden yourself with something they gave you that you didn’t enjoy?  I think not.

So this year, what kind of gifts can we give that will bring more meaning and joy to those we love?

Here are some places to start:

The White Envelope Project:  I saw this on my Facebook feed a few days ago and think it is a brilliant way to honor someone you love and support those that may need it the most.

Do a good deed:  Instead of giving store-bought things, offer to:

  • Run errands.
  • Take down their holiday lights and decorations.
  • Babysit.
  • Mow their lawn/shovel their driveway.

And, for busy families or those who find it difficult to cook, fill their freezer with home-made goodness of soups, casseroles, etc.

Adopt-A-Family or Child:  There are many ways to support those in need, and adopting a family or foster child is a great way to do it.  Check with your work, local businesses, or Chamber of Commerce for specifics.

Purchase a gift in the recipient’s name from well-known, reputable charities:  It’s easy to get caught up in donating to whomever we receive a call or solicitation in the mail from.  To ensure your donation gets the biggest bang for the buck, check out  Charity Navigator. The Charity Navigator site gives you the ability to look up charities

Whatever gift-giving solution feels best to you, remember the spirit of the holidays is really to spend time with the ones we love.

If you are looking for additional holiday suggestions, check some of my prior holiday-related posts:

Five Quick Tips to Destress the Holidays

Stressless Holidays

Not another tie!

Happy Holidays!

Cindy Jobs

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